PROJECT BG-RRP-3.005-6913


We are pleased to inform you that DIREX EAD has concluded an administrative contract for the provision of grant-in-aid for the implementation of Project BG-RRP-3.005-6913 – Solutions in the field of information and communication technologies and cyber security in small and medium-sized enterprises, financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU under the Economic Transformation Program to the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan. The total value of the project is BGN 20,000.00, of which BGN 20,000.00 is free funding. Start: 10.11.2023 End: 10.11.2024



Solutions in the field of information and communication technologies and cyber security in small and medium enterprises.

Project goals:

The purpose of the procedure is to contribute to accelerating the transition to digitalization of the economy by providing grant-in-aid for the implementation of information and communication technologies and solutions that ensure an increase in the level of digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

